Unveils New Video-Rich Site at Las Vegas Party
Poker players at the recent WSOP party in Las Vegas loved the new video-rich site that was unveiled at the event. The casino, poker, sportsbetting and horseracing site’s dramatic new look features video lobbies and animated service staff that create the most realistic– and sexually charged – online casino environment ever.
Hundreds of players got a sneak preview at the Vegas party from the site’s gorgeous hostess, model and sportsbetting columnist Carrie Stroup. They said:
“They’ve really nailed it. This is the kinda place I like to play!”
“Carrie Stroup is hot!”
“Cool. It feels like xBox or something!”
“Carrie Stroup is hot!” (A lot of people said that…)
“Poker and slutty chicks. What’s not to love!?”

“We wanted our customers to get that same rush of confidence a guy feels when he walks into a cool casino, ready to win it all,” said Brand Manager David Anderson as he showed off the new site at the Sapphire Club. “Nothing like a foxy lady lighting your cigar and handing you a drink to put you in the mood to play.”
Video elements incorporated throughout the site put the player right there, in what feels like the classiest, trendiest casino on the Las Vegas Strip.

"It’s funny, it’s the little stuff that people seem to love… like in the Help lobby when the receptionist swats a fly… or when you go to our Cashier and you catch the teller primping herself between customers… or the waitresses in the Casino and Poker lobbies -- just snap your fingers and they’re there with cigars and drinks.”
The slick new site will be busy all summer with
WPT Turks & Caicos satellites every Sunday and
Fox World Series Baseball free-roll tournaments each Saturday. More than $25,000 in prizes will be awarded in cash and prizes.
Tour of the new site with video hostess Carrie Stroup For photos and video clips from “PlayersOnly Presents Bluff on the Strip”